"when I see a danger signal handed to me, I don‘t argue with it. I get out! A few days later, if everything looks all right, I can always get back in again. Thereby I have saved myself a lot of worry and money"
Every judicious speculator is on the alert of danger signals. Curiously, the trouble with most speculators is that something inside of them keeps them from mustering enough courage to close out their commitment when they should.
Again let me say, the human side of every person is the greatest enemy of the average investor or speculator.
Remember this: When you are doing nothing, those speculators who feel they must trade day in and day out, are laying the foundation for your next venture.
Never make any trade unless you know you can do so with financial safety.
A speculator should make it as a rule each time he closes out a successful deal to take one-half of his porfits and lock this sum up in a safe deposit box.
if you cannot make money out of the leading active issues, you are not going to make money out of the stock market as a whole.
Never sell a stock, because it seems high-priced; Conversely, never buy a stock because it has had a big decline from its previous high.
It is foolhardy to make a second trade, if you first trade shows you a loss. Never average losses.