二、美股 1、交易所官方网站: www.nyse.com 主页左下角有简体中文版 www.nasdaq.com 2、SEC filings(上市公司信息披露): 1)上市公司网站,可用GOOGLE财经找到; 2)SEC官方网站: http://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/webusers.htm 3)edgaronline。 在google,yahoo和reuters上都有链接。 3、其它参考网站: google.com.hk 点财经标签,用代码搜索。 finance.yahoo.com 功能很多,还不错。 reuters、 bloomberg ; marketwatch、msnmoney; seekingalpha、motleyfool、tickerspy、i美股; stockcharts 用这个看K线不错。 4、SEC filings 文件类型: Common filing typesForm Name Description F-1 Registration statement for certain foreign private issuers. Form D Notice of an exempt offering of securities under Regulation D 3 Initial statement of beneficial ownership (Insider transactions) 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership (Insider transactions) 5 Annual statement of changes in beneficial ownership (Insider transactions) S-1 General form of registration statement. POS AM Post-effective amendments to provide updated prospectus information. 13D Notification of a holding of 5% or more of any class of a company's shares by a single investor or group working together 144 Report of proposed sale of securities. 20-F Registration of securities of foreign private issuers pursuant to section 12(b) or (g). ARS Annual Report to Security Holders. 6-K Report of foreign issuer pursuant to Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16. 10-Q Quarterly report filed pursuant to sections 13 or 15(d). 10-K Annual report pursuant to section 13 and 15(d). 8-K Interim report which announces any material events or corporate changes that occur between 10-Q quarterly reports. 11-K An annual report of employee stock purchase, savings and similar plans. DEF 14-A Proxy Statement. Notification of shareholder votes, information about the Board of Directors, Board compensation, and Executive compensation. 最重要的几个是10K,8K,10Q 和权益披露的文件。