zt:=ref(c,2)>ref(c,3)*1.098 and ref(c,2)>ref(o,2); px:=ref(o,1)>ref(c,2) and ref(c,1)>ref(o,1) and ref(c,1)<ref(c,2)*1.09; SZ:=c>ref(c,1) and h>ref(c,1)*1.03; xg:zt and px and sz;
AAA:=REF(C,1)>REF(C,2)*1.097 AND REF(C,1)>REF(O,1); {昨天涨幅大于0.97 且 收阳线} BBB:=O>REF(C,1) AND C>O AND C<REF(C,1)*1.09; {跳空开 且 收阳线 且 涨幅小于0.09} 输出:AAA AND BBB,COLORGREEN; {所有迫线划红色} ZT:=REF(C,2)>REF(C,3)*1.097 AND REF(C,2)>REF(O,2); {前天涨幅大于0.97 且 收阳线} PX:=REF(O,1)>REF(C,2) AND REF(C,1)>REF(O,1) AND REF(C,1)<REF(C,2)*1.09; {昨日跳空开 且 昨天收阳线 且 昨天涨幅小于0.09} SZ:=C>REF(C,1) AND H>REF(C,1)*1.03; {今天上涨 且 最高点涨幅大于0.03} XG:ZT AND PX AND SZ,COLORYELLOW; {成功划黄色};